How to not get rekt: web3 wallet safety
Create a web3 wallet strategy to keep your crypto assets safe.
ReadCreate a web3 wallet strategy to keep your crypto assets safe.
ReadMy thoughts on 'Take Shape' by Ryan Singer.
ReadThoughts about redesigning my website and turning it into a digital garden.
ReaduseDebugValue is a hook aimed at helping developers troubleshoot the React applications they're building.
ReadRaw notes from a 'Mastering emacs' bookclub I participated in.
ReadCheck out the setup I used to patch Discord audio into my Twitch livestream.
ReaduseReducer provides an alternate way to store component state beyond useState. It is especially useful for storing complex data structures and/or related values.
ReaduseCallback is similar to useMemo but returns a memoized function, not a memoized value.
ReaduseMemo allows you to avoid recomputing expensive values by leveraging memoization under the hood.
ReaduseContext provides an easy way to provide data from parent to child without having to 'prop drill'.
ReaduseRef can be used to directly interact with the browser's DOM or store and update values without causing re-renders like useState.
ReaduseLayoutEffect works exactly the same way useEffect does except it fires prior to the DOM's initial paint.
ReaduseEffect is one of the most commonly used hooks and is used for things like fetching data, setting up event listeners and manipulating the DOM.
ReadAs the name suggests, the useState hook is used for storing component state.
ReadThis series is a holistic look at React's hooks API and how they each work.
ReadLearn how to use ESLint and Prettier to enforce code conventions and formatting.
ReadIf you use more than one GitHub account on the same machine, configuring multiple SSH keys will make authenticating with different repos much easier.
ReadOnce you're up and running with OBS, it's helpful to begin organizing your inputs and assets into separate scenes.
ReadI just started live streaming. I’ve done it exactly twice. I wasn’t sure what to expect before I started and, at times, didn’t even know where to start.
ReadSee how I built a new search UI with React context and refs.
ReadLearn how to get started with Vue from the perspective of a React developer.
ReadContributing to open-source projects during my career transition taught me a lot about being a developer. Here's how you can get started with OSS.
ReadJSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript and is widely used in frontend frameworks like React.