Hooks Revisited: useReducer

  • react
  • hooks

useReducer provides an alternate way to store component state beyond useState. It is especially useful for storing complex data structures and/or related values.


Hooks Revisited: useRef

  • react
  • hooks

useRef can be used to directly interact with the browser's DOM or store and update values without causing re-renders like useState.


Hooks Revisited: useEffect

  • react
  • hooks

useEffect is one of the most commonly used hooks and is used for things like fetching data, setting up event listeners and manipulating the DOM.


Hooks Revisited

  • react
  • hooks

This series is a holistic look at React's hooks API and how they each work.


Starting to livestream with OBS

  • streaming
  • obs

I just started live streaming. I’ve done it exactly twice. I wasn’t sure what to expect before I started and, at times, didn’t even know where to start.
